The Federalist
Mollie Hemingway
James Comey Has a Long History of Questionable Obstruction of Justice Cases
An interesting article by Mollie Hemingway on James Comey
From Martha Stewart to Frank Quattrone to Steven Hatfill, former FBI director James Comey has left a long trail of highly questionable obstruction of justice cases that he used to make a name for himself.
WSJ article 2013 0n the nomination of James Comey as FBI director
Any potential FBI director deserves scrutiny, since the position has so much power and is susceptible to ruinous misjudgments and abuse. That goes double with Mr. Comey, a nominee who seems to think the job of the federal bureaucracy is to oversee elected officials, not the other way around, and who had his own hand in some of the worst prosecutorial excesses of the last decade.
James H. Rutherford, M.D.